Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2012 Pat & Roger's Birthday

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

Come and help me cut the cake.................

Nice looking cake, Toni........

Some of the ladies with their personal bodyguard in the background....

Some more of the attendees!!!!!!!!

Of course, George needs his sugar fix........

Roy says, "the hell with it, I'm not moving..........

2nd party.......fooooooooooood.

I can read my own card..............

Me too!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies first opening the gifts............

Oh sure, presents, presents.........

Very nice gifts friends....

Now it's my turn...........

Let me see, is this going to blow up???????????

Even my vodka comes in a ready weapon...............

Let's see if I can make it into the glass over there????????

Thank you all from Pat & I....................


  1. looks like a great days spent with great friends. plus anytime you have machine gun vodka has to count as winning in life.

    1. Thanks Ryan. The Guys thought it was funny.
