Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Man & His Dog

Georges and Lily hanging out in the sun.  Lily says, "check out my new hoody" matches my new red car.

We don't want to look at you, so says the queen.

This is the back side of my new hoody....don't you wish you had one????

Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Soup Sunday Denizens!!!

A new grill has appeared at the cigar shop, properly be inspected by "cabana boy" Keith prior to use.  It was used and works fine for our purposes.

Mark, John and Liz looking at Georges' new birthday heater.  It works like a charm and has contributed to the comfort of  "the denizens". 

Pat and Toni join John in the tasting of the goodies contributed by the many for another fun Sunday at "the shop".

Once again some the ladies of the shop getting ready to go home after the festivities at "the shop".  We all have a good time enjoying each other's company.

Georges' family joined "Soup Sunday", they are always fund to visit with and enjoy.

What do think George?  Should we have another beer or just smoke?

We would all like to thank Pat and Toni for the gingerbread cookies shared with all the "little denizens" that visit "the shop". (macaroons any one??????????????.) I'm not telling anything.......