Monday, March 18, 2013

The Wanderings

Hey Denizens,

Gunny Mike just me an email and asked me to pass it along.

Hey Gents,
Well we are well into the Atlantic, and the air is warming up.  The first few days were pretty rough and windy, but we pushed south and the seas and temps are much better.  I hope you enjoyed St. Pattys day for me, mine sucked!  The navy made green Ice Please pass along my email to Rusty and anyone else who wants to contact me.  I should be in Rota Spain soon, but only fro a day, however I was assured by the captain we will have enough time to play a round on base....I will take pics and get out to you all.  Miss you guys!!!

Gunny Out.

Hey guys I will post the photos on the blog when I receive them.

Gunny's email address is:

Enjoy my my friends........