Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Welcome Back!!!!!!

This was a photo taken of Pat and I at Pat's 70th birthday party.  34 family and guests joined us for a fun week-end.  The weekend included two fishing trips out into the ocean, cocktail parties both at the house and the cafe, trip to the cigar shop for some of the boys to enjoy.  We have been healthy and in great spirits just enjoying retirement.
In the past year we have had visits from Pat and Carmine, Mark and Michelle, Sonja and Carlos, Andi, Janet, Burke and Erin, Doug and Tyler, Gary and Jane, Allan and Judy, Jerry and Carol.  Aside form the visitors Pat has been involved in the Villages game night and dominoes, beach visiting and of course, shopping trips to Wilmington, Morehead City, Winterville, and numerous other small towns around Swansboro.

Now that I have started back into writing the blog again I will be more attentive to my musings.

So for now Ciao, Ciao my friends.

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