Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cigar Sunday Dinner

Well Hi Everyone,

This past Sunday about 30 of the "cigar people" gather for dinner and smokes.  It was a great time and one our best Sunday dinners.  George was in his glory with all his friends here enjoying the conversation and fellowship.  We usually have this every Sunday night when the Art Council sponsors a different music group during the summer months.  But, of course, the concerts end on October 2nd and we are left to our own means for entertainment.  One of our friendly marines donated a 42" flat screen for football games, rugby matches, baseball.  That was really very nice of him beacuse we do enjoy it very much.
We are starting a soup contest, every Sunday a different person makes their favorite soup for everyone.  All others attending will bring a dish to pass and have an enjoyable evening with the pleasant company and judging "the soup of the day".

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