Sunday, August 5, 2012

Amanda's Birthday

Birthday Cake by Sue.......................................
The Birthday Girl herself with Husband...................................

Cupcakes anyone???????????

George holding court..............................

Two of our wonderful ladies..................................

Some more of the ladies..................................................

How did she get in here again......oh yeah it's her birthday....................

Coastie kid Grady and of course, Mom..................................

A new guest with Ann..................................

Mark with his brother-in-law and spouse..........
Look at these guys....always one out of step...nice Jim...

Another new couple with Richie......New Yorkers.....

Of course, the "woodman" and spouse..........

Couldn't find a table....I wonder if there is any trash can punch??????

Look at this guy....doesn't he look cool????????

You all have seen this guy's photo in the post office.........

Pat & Margo adjusting the layout while Amanda supervises........

Long hot day, eh guys????????????


1 comment:

  1. As always, love your captions. Happy Birthday
    , Amanda!
