Monday, November 21, 2011

Soup Sunday At The Shop...........

The "blogger" has spied some new "denizens of the shop".  Is that wine glasses I observe in the hands of the newcomers?  They catch on quickly.  But then they are sitting next to Mark and Liz. (oh, I lost my head, I should have known better)  Welcome to the "Cigar Shop"!!!!

Posing for the "blogger", yuk!!!!!!!! But it is good to see familiar faces around the campfire....

Notice the "newcomers" and the "old timers" are engaged in interesting repartee, all except Steve.  He isn't missing a lick on the food.  He is still in bachelor mood since his better half is away. (Once a pirate always a pirate) And more wine glasses,ummmmmmmmmmmm where do all the glasses come from?  The wine glass fairy, I suppose.

Now here is an interesting character, the infamous Mark in a jovial mood.  (notice all the beer bottles on the table behind him...mmmmmmmm

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