Saturday, February 13, 2010

Swansboro Snowfall

Hi to all..
Well as you can tell the snow did not miss Swansboro. We received about 4 inches and it was beautiful. I don't want to get used to it since I moved here via Dallas, Texas from Chicago, Illinois. I didn't bring a snowshovel so it can go away now. We all had a nice look at it. I guess we can't be any different than the other 49 states that received snow.
I am going to keep this posting short so I can get it up on the blog in a timely manner. I hope you all don't mind. Also I spent about an hour outside taking photos of the area. If you are interested in seeing them please email me at I will gladly make sure you can see them. Thanks everyone.

So until next time keep looking for Etcetera, etcetera....Ciao!!!!

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