Monday, September 20, 2010

Charlene and Lee's Visit

Well everyone here is what four retirees look like at the ocean. We enjoyed shopping, visiting the ocean, eating and all around enjoying eachother's company. The week flew by and we had a lot of fun and catching up on the activity down at the lake. We are looking forward to anyone else coming down to visit us.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Burke and Erin's Wedding in San Juan

Hi to all...

Well folks, it is now 1 week after "the wedding" in San Juan and things are getting back to normal. I have tried to send the links to all the photos taken while we were in San Juan. A great time was had by all.

We started upon our arrival on a whirlwind 5 days of magic for the kids. Thursday was check in day and saying hello to all of the approximately 50 family and friends. Friday began with a full morning on the beach sharpening up every one's tan. The afternoon was filled with the rehearsal at the Gallery Inn. The Inn is a 300 year old barracks for Spanish soldiers located in Old San Juan on the Ocean front. It has been converted in a Bed 'n' Breakfast with 16 rooms, swimming pool, wine cellar, open lounge and quaint little areas for seclusion for couples. (Photos fill my web site for anyone interested.) Evening brought a local flavor at the rehearsal dinner on the beach with an open air dinner and drinks and the opportunity to meet and greet all the future in-laws, outlaws and friends.

Saturday was filled with excitement for all. The ladies with hair and makeup, the guys getting ready for the big 5:00pm wedding at the Inn. Transportation was handled by limos and a private bus so no one had to worry about traveling from the condos to "ole San Juan" for the wedding. The wedding went off without a hitch as evidenced by the photos and the smiles on every one's faces. Dinner in the wine cellar and dancing filled the evening with beverages and music enjoyed by every one. The Inn's personnel were magnificent in their handling of the wedding and reception. All attendees went home with a happy exhasution.

Sunday was a day relaxation and visiting with the families on the beach except for the Strickers and the Detters. We all went into "ole San Juan" and toured the shops and purchased cigars from Don Collins and went on a tour of the Castillo San Cristobal. A part of the defense system built by the Spaniards as early as 1539. The Spanish Empire spent 250 years fortifying this location. It allowed them to control access and commerce in and out of the new World. Castillo San Cristobal protected the city from land based attacks. Castillo San Felipe del Morro, about 1 mile northwest of San Cristobal protected the port from sea going enemies. Plenty of photos were take of San Cristobal.

Monday brought a snokelling excursion on a 90 foot cat. Great fun was had by everyone enjoying the view of the reefs, coral and fish. Dinner with the newlyweds and some great sleep.

Tuesday was departure day and all headed home except for the bride and groom. They were off on their honeymoon.......

That's all for etcetera today.....Thanks for reading.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hi To All.......

Once again I will bring all up to date on what is happening here in Swansboro. I have added a photo I recently took while out on a nearby island. Without words this photo pretty much condenses many words i.e. beautiful, peaceful, serene, enjoyable, etc . into an appreciation for the obvious.

This type of peace and enjoyment is available to all that visit area and are willing to stop and smell the roses. The thing that stands out for Pat and I is that this type of enjoyment is demands that you enjoy it to the fullest which ultimately leads to long life and inner peace.

Pat & I are getting ready for two important dates coming up. This Friday will be our wedding anniversary and the first week-end in April, Pat's son, Burke is getting married to a lovely woman named Erin in San Juan, PR. Needless to say the whole family is getting ready to converge on San Juan with a gusto. Those of the family coming from Chicago and Ohio need to catch up on their tans for the family photos. Pat and I have spent a days laying in a good base for tans. Those of you who know Pat are aware that she will out shine all of us when it comes to tanning.

I just recently completed a new batch of garlic for some brave new neighbors here in the Villages. So far I have received some nice reviews as to it consumption.

Well my good friends until next time .........Ciao!

Etcetera, etcetera...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Picasa Web Albums - Roger - Swansboro Deer

Picasa Web Albums - Roger - Swansboro Deer These little deer were crossing behind my home this morning as I was drinking coffee. Had to race to get my camera before they vanished into the woods. The snow is melting and should be gone by tonight. I will keep everyone psoted as the weather goes on. So until next time..Ciao...Etcetera, etcetera....

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Swansboro Snowfall

Hi to all..
Well as you can tell the snow did not miss Swansboro. We received about 4 inches and it was beautiful. I don't want to get used to it since I moved here via Dallas, Texas from Chicago, Illinois. I didn't bring a snowshovel so it can go away now. We all had a nice look at it. I guess we can't be any different than the other 49 states that received snow.
I am going to keep this posting short so I can get it up on the blog in a timely manner. I hope you all don't mind. Also I spent about an hour outside taking photos of the area. If you are interested in seeing them please email me at I will gladly make sure you can see them. Thanks everyone.

So until next time keep looking for Etcetera, etcetera....Ciao!!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Swansboro, North Carolina

Hello to all from Pat & Roger now located in our new home in Swansboro, NC. I took this photo one early morning to show how it feels here looking at the sunrise. It is something we can do everyday.

We are settling in now that the furniture has arrived. We were lucky to have a few weeks so we could accomplish some remodeling to suit our needs. We have a new cherry wood floor in every room except 2 of the bedrooms. The master bedroom has new carpet and the 2nd bedroom has the original carpet. New cherry wood cabinets were installed in the kitchen along with new granite counter tops. A new ceramic back splash has been installed by my brother-in-law, Gary and a kind neighbor. New SS appliances were installed by yours truly as well as 4 rooms receiving a new paint job from Pat, Gary, Gary's friend Jane and myself. In between our slack time the same neighbor, Bruce, Gary and I installed a patio deck and fencing for Oliver. As you all can tell we did accomplish a lot in a short time for our comfort and anyone who would like to visit. We are extremely close to the inter-coastal waterway and the ocean. Our little town has a great historic downtown district and approximately 11 restaurants for your enjoyment. Did I mention they all serve fresh daily caught fish. The fishing fleet has many local shops selling the "catch of the day" so one may prepare it at home for private consumption.

I have uploaded a short video of Oliver's first visit to the Ocean. I hope you all enjoy it. We have enjoyed the ocean and the area and have become accustom to what the area has to offer. I have added a tour of the house so Miss Pat can show off her new home a little. Please post your comments and email if you would like to receive more videos.

Signing off for now and until next time..Etcetera, etcetera.....